
Butter (to grease the tube pan)
1 tablespoon sugar for pan
8 large egg whites
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons cornstarch
1/2 cup sugar

1/2 cup almonds, optional


Preheat oven to 400F. Butter a 9 inch tube pan, add the sugar and
turn the pan to coat all the surfaces. Invert and discard any excess
sugar. In a large bowl beat the egg whites with the salt until they
stand in peaks. Sift the cornstarch over the egg whites and beat
until it is incorporated. Add the sugar gradually and continue
beating until it is incorporated and the whites stand in soft peaks.
Pour the mixture into prepared pan and tap lightly on a work top
to get rid of any bubbles. Set in a large baking pan and pour in
1 inch hot water. Bake in preheated oven for 5 minutes, turn off
oven and let pudding set in closed oven for 15 minutes. It should
be a delicate light brown. If it seems to be browning too fast,
cover with foil. Remove from oven, lift out of water bath and loosen
both edges with a spatula dipped in hot water. Cover with a large
plate and invert pudding on to it. Cool to room temperature and
pour Caramel Sauce over it.
If desired, garnish with almonds.



( Recipe from “” by A. P. DeJesus)