New England Lobster/Hot Dog Buns
- Shipping:
- Calculated at Checkout
- Bulk Pricing:
- Buy in bulk and save
- Buy 100 - 200 and get $0.25 off
- Buy 201 - 400 and get $0.50 off
- Buy 401 - 800 and get $0.75 off
- Buy 801 - 2000 and get $1.00 off
Bulk discount rates
Below are the available bulk discount rates for each individual item when you purchase a certain amount
Baked everyday since 1912 - Special prices for businesses.
Its stands fresh for weeks - Ground shipping is fine to all the USA.
12 buns per bag.
5.5" buns
(we ship any quantity BUT we have standard shipping boxes of 10 bags)
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