
1 1/2 kg osso buco
1 kg pork
1 onion
4 cloves garlic
1 chicken
20 cp water
1 day old bread (portuguese type)
potatoes, carrots, rice.


Wash all the meats.
In a large Saucepan boil water and add the meats and spices. Check regularly to make sure that all the meats are well cooked. ( if you wish you can use a pressure cooker).
In a large soup tureen place the slices of bread and pour the broth over it.
On the side slice the meats and add boiled potatoes, carrots and rice.

Sopas do Espirito Santo
(Terceira Island Style)

1 L water ( add more as needed )
1,5 Kg beef meat with some fat
1 Kg bones with marrow
3 onions
1 chicken
1 white cabbage
400 grs Portuguese bread (1 day old bread )
9 potatoes
bay leaves
mint leaves

Cook the meats , adding the chicken last. Then add the cabbage and the potatoes.
Cut the bread in slices , spread butter over each slice , put a mint leaf and pur the broth over.
When the bread has absorbed the liquid pour some more with the cabbage leaves until is juicy.
When is ready to go to the table put the meats on top and the rest of the broth.

( Azores traditional Recipes )


( Recipe from “” by A. P. DeJesus)